Visualisation of #EURegionsWeek 2017 on Twitter

By @jihan65, 10 Nov 2017

The European Week of Regions and Cities gathered almost 6000 participants from all over Europe in Brussels on 9-12 October 2017 to investigate how regions and cities can work for a better future in Europe. Participants posted on social networks their take-away and opinions, and commented what happened in the hundreds of workshops, visits, and networking events on the agenda. What follows is my attempt to visualise all exchanges that took place on Twitter during the week of the event.

Data visualisation of EuRegionsWeek 20017
Data visualisation of EuRegionsWeek 20017

The graph shows how Twitter accounts are interconnected, indicating who is retweeting and citing who. Twitter accounts are grouped in sub-communities (see below). The size of the dots indicates the number of connections or interactions with other accounts (Weighted Degree). The thickness of the lines indicates the importance of these exchanges between two Twitter accounts.

A total of 10265 tweets where posted on Twitter during the conference's week from Sunday 8 October to Saturday 14 October. The graph visualises the 3727 Twitter accounts (dots) who have tweeted and their 5434 interactions (lines).

Why only on Twitter? Was there no activity on facebook or other social media?


Sub-communities show how Twitter accounts are grouped together and how often they have tweeted about each other or have retweeted each other. Each member of a sub-community has the same colour circle. The modularity analysis identified more than 300 sub-communities. There are 14 large sub-communities each with more than 100 members. All together, these 14 "big" ones contain half (55%) of all Twitter accounts displayed in the graph. Sub-communities with more than 10 members are 27 and together contain 85% of all Twitter accounts.

The following animation and table show you the 10 most populated sub-communities and, for each, the Twitter account with the most interactions (Weighted Degree).

top-10 sub-communities of #EURegionsWeek
Community Members Twitter account Weighted Degree
1 356 @EU_Regional 879
2 321 @albawhitewolf 448
3 271 @CoR_President 169
4 195 @regstud 204
5 194 @PerceiveProject 75
6 171 @CCRECEMR 183
7 158 @EU_Eurostat 188
8 133 @EU_ENV 46
9 131 @interregeurope 109
10 130 @twente 92


So, how to determine who were the influencers during the #EURegionsWeek?

My way of doing is to multiply the visibility of a Twitter account (its Ranking) by its number of interactions in the context of the #EURegionsWeek (its Weighted Degree). The result, available in the "Influence" column, is a measure of the influence a Twitter account may have had during the #EURegionsWeek period.

The table is sorted in descending order of "Influence". Feel free to sort the columns in another order by clicking the header of a column.

Twitter account Weighted Degree Ranking Influence
879 9 7911
448 6 2688
188 10 1880
163 8 1304
156 8 1248
204 6 1224
183 6 1098
203 5 1015
169 6 1014
98 8 784
141 5 705
134 5 670
109 6 654
77 8 616
62 9 558
92 6 552
137 4 548
66 8 528
105 5 525
57 9 513
73 7 511
100 5 500
104 4 416
52 8 416
52 8 416
59 7 413
46 8 368
52 7 364
90 4 360
60 6 360
89 4 356
59 6 354
67 5 335
66 5 330
47 7 329
82 4 328
35 9 315
39 8 312
34 9 306
43 7 301
97 3 291
29 10 290
40 7 280
31 9 279
53 5 265
61 4 244
30 8 240
46 5 230
45 5 225

The "Weighted Degree" is the number of interactions in the context of the #EURegionsWeek for a Twitter account, but weighted by the weigtht of each interaction. The size of the dots in the graph is proportional to the "Weighted Degree" value. The bigger the point, the more interactions the Twitter account has had with others during the #EURegionsWeek period. ("Weighted Degree" is calculated by the Gephi tool)

The "Ranking" indicates the overall visibility of the Twitter account, based on its number of followers and lists, values range from 1 to 10. The Twitter account's visibility is independent of its activity during the #EURegionsWeek period. The higher the value, the more visibility the Twitter account has and the more it may reach and influence others on Twitter. ("Ranking" is calculated by the Digimind tool)

Interested to know more about the methodology and the used tools? I provide more details in the following page.

By @jihan65, 2017